Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Monday, November 21, 2016
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Monday, October 3, 2016
Possessive adjectives
click here
1. I have a pen. ______ pen is red.
2. We have a car. ______ car is blue.
3. She has a cat. _____ cat is nice.
4. He has a school bag. _____ bag is big.
5. You have a book. ____________ book is green.
6. It has a tail. ______ tail i long.
7. They have a teacher. _______ teacher is Miss Parker.
Monday, September 26, 2016
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
School subjects
Maths - математика
Macedonian - македонски јазик
English - англсики јазик
German - германски јазик
Science - природни науки
History - општество
Craft - техничко образование
Art - ликовно образование
PE - физичко образование
Music- музичко образование
Class lesson - одделенски час
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Welcome back to school
Here is the first task
Complete the letter.
Dear Mr. Matt Long,
In my opinion mobiles are . . . ..
Students should/shouldn't . . . . .
I think that . . .. . . . .
(closing part)
Saturday, July 2, 2016

schools project | Learn about schools project on instaGrok, the research engine:http://www.instagrok.com/results.html?query=schools+project&share_id=_&result_id=gG3trbltEGSqSBQ5S4gk&action=view
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Thursday, June 2, 2016
6 grade answers
Кој од дадените зборови означува предмет
поврзан со домот?
dinning room, living room, wardrobe . . .
2. Кој
од следниве зборови означува главно јадење? Main corse (dinner, fish and chips
, chicken, . . .
3. Со
брод се возиме по: sea, ocean. Lake. river
4. Може
да одиме да купуваме во: mall, supermarket,shopping center
5. Пред
да јадеме на масата ставаме: tablecloth,
dishes, plates, bowl, spoon, fork, knife, glass
6. Писмата
ги праќаме во: post office
7. Со
што јадеме супа? spoon
8. Фудбал
играме на: play ground, football
court, field
9. Електронските
писма ни стигаат на: email
10. Кој
од дадените музички инструменти има жици? Violin
, guitar,
11. Кој
од дадените празници е денот на шегата? April`s
Доврши ја следната реченица: We can swim in the …sea, river, lake, ocean, swimming pool
13. Доврши
ја реченицата: "I should look that video AGAIN, TOMMOROW, NEXT WEEK . . . . . ."
14. Доврши
ја следната реченица: We can order
15. Доврши
ја реченицата: His grandparents have a
16. Потполни
го зборот во реченицата: PIANO,
favorite musical
Доврши ја реченицата: I can’t imagine spending a day without my BEST FRIEND, LAPTOP, TABLET, PHONE . . .
18. Доврши
ја реченицата: My brother always works
a lot, he is very , busy.
Доврши ја реченицата: When we eat in a restaurant, my mother never
eats the DESSERT,
soup, meat salad.
20. Кој од следниве зборови e
21. Кој
од следниве зборови е лична предметна заменка ME, YOU, HIM HER IT US THEM?
22. Кој
од следниве зборови е модален глагол CAN, MUST, SHOULD, ?
23. Кој
од следниве зборови е модален глагол во негативна форма CAN`t mustn`t shouldn`t?
24. Кој
од следниве зборови НЕ е описна придавка?
25. Кој
од следниве реченице е во заповедна форма Come
here, Sit down, open the door . .Do the homework . . .:
26. На што: What
are you doing tomorrow? следува одговор
I am
studying for the test.
27. Определи
кој збор треба да стои во реченицата: Give
them their
money back!
28. Како
би му кажал на својот пријател да не доаѓа?
come, please. You shouldn`t come.
29. Определи
го исказот што значи: Не зборувај!
Don`t talk, IMPERATIVE заповед
30. Кој
би бил одговорот на то: Are you coming
to my birthday?
sure. Sorry, no.
31. Определи
кој збор треба да стои на празното место во реченицата: Shei is looking
at the pictures.
32. На
то: Were you at the birthday party? следува
одговор: Yes I was, No, I wasn`t.
33. Определи
кој збор треба да стои на празното место во реченицата: She uses the computer
every day.
34. Определи
кој збор треба да стои на празното место во реченицата: The lion
is a wild animal, it lives in the
35. Определи
кој збор треба да стои на празното место во реченицата: Where were you
last weekend?
36. Определи
кој помошен глагол треба да стои на празното место во реченицата: What does this word
37. Определи
кој збор треба да стои на празното место во реченицата: We_were_ in Struga
38. Определи
кој збор треба да стои на празното место во реченицата: You__shouldn`t ____
smoke that much.
Кој би бил одговорот на то: Where were you yesterday? I was at school
40. Како
би одговорил ако некој те праша: Што
ќе и подариш на твојата наставничка за
роденден? I will buy
her some flowers. going
Која е кратката форма на исказот: She was not at the party? Wasn`t
42. Како
би одговорил ако некој те праша: Каква
е зградата во која живееш? Big,
small, strange, old new
43. На
то: Можеш ли да читаш на Англиски? следува
одговорот: Yes I can. / No, I can`t.
44. Како
би кажал дека можеш да црташ многу добро? I can draw very well
45. На
то: Каде беше вчера? ќе
одговориш со: I was at school
46. Како
би одговорил ако некој те праша: Што
ќе правиш вечерва?
I am going to
watch TV
47. Како
ќе прашаш: Дали можете да ми
помогнете? Can you help me,
48. Како
ќе кажеш дека мајка ти е докторка? My mother is a doctor.
49. Со
кој од наведените зборови даваме наредба? Come here, Sit down, Open. . . . .
50. Со
кој од наведените зборови даваме совет? You should take an aspirin.
51. Кога
покануваме велиме: Come to my
birthday party
52. Определи
го исказот што значи: Ајде да одиме на
пливање. Let`s go to the swimming pool (swim)
53. Кога
посакуваме пријатен празник велиме: Happy Easter, Have a nice holliday
54. Определи
го исказот што значи: Што би сакале да
What would like to eat.
55. Со
кој од наведените зборови се извинуваме? Sorry,
Excuse me .. . Pardon . . .
56. Со
којa од наведените реченици ќе искажеш прифаќање на покана? Yes, sure, Yes of
course, Yes, please
57. Kоја
од наведените реченици означува дневна рутина? Wash my face, comb my hair,
brush my teeth, have breakfast
58. Која
од наведените реченици означува давање упатство? Go staright, left . . . Press
the button
59. Како
би му дал совет на своето другарче да учи повеќе? You should practice/study more.
60. Кој
израз го користиш за да одбиеш нешто? No,
thank you. Sorry, no
61. Како
би го советувал своето другарче ако има забоболка? You shouldn`t eat sweets. You should go to the dentist.
62. Како
би ја поканил својата другарка да ручате заедно? Let`s go to the reastaurant. Shall we go . . . . , Why don`t we go .
. . . .
63. Реченицата:
I am sorry, but I must go to the
hospital.”значи исто што и: Жалам ,
но морам да одам во болница.
64. Како
ќе го прашаш своето другарче: Дали
беше на училиште? Were you at school ?
65. Како
ќе го опишеш градот во кој живеат многу луѓе? Big and noisy
66. Како
би го претставил своето другарче? This
is my best friend . . . ., He is tall, . . . .
67. Како
ќе ги опишеш своите интереси? I like
playing the guitar.
68. Како
ќе искажеш минато дејство: WAS / WERE
69. Како
ќе искажеш дејство кое планираш да го направиш:
I am going to . . .
70. Како
ќе искажеш што учите по предметот Географија? What do you learn (about) in
71. Како
ќе ги опишеш физичките карактеристики на другарчето: tall, fat, thin, slim . .
. .blond, fair hair
72. Како
ќе го побараш телефонот од другарчето? Would
you like to borrow me your phone? Can I have your phone, please? Can you give me your phone number. WHAT'S YOUR PHONE NUMBER?
73. Со
кој од наведените изрази би искажале сугестија? Why don`t we, Let`s, Shall.
74. Како
би му посакал на своето другарче пријатен викенд? Have a nice weekend!
75. Со
кој од наведените изрази можеш да го опишеш својот град?
Big and noisy, beautiful and
76. Како
би го поканил своето другарче да дојде на прошетка со тебе?
Would you come,.... Why don`t
we, shall we . . . . .FOR A WALK
77. Кој
од наведените изрази го користиш за да нарачаш сендвич во сендвичара? Excuse me , can I have cheese sandwich, please? I would like a sandwich please. What would you like to order?
78. Како
ќе одговориш ако некој те праша: What
would you like to order?
I would like pizza and cola.
Како ќе одговориш доколку некој те
прашаш: Што ќе правиш утре? I am going to school tomorrow.
80. Како
би го прашал своето другарче за неговиот омилен училиштен предмет? What`
s your favoirite subject at school
81. Како
ќе одговориш на то: Зошто не дојде
вчера на училиште? I was at the cinema, I was ill, Because I was busy . .
. .
Why didn`t you come to school tomorrow?
Како ќе прашаш некого: Каде беше на одмор? Where were you for holiday?
83. Како
ќе прашаш: Кога беше во Италија?When
were you in Italy?
84. Како
ќе кажеш дека ти се допаѓа да учиш историја? I like History, I like to study, I
like studying . . .
85. Како
ќе кажеш дека можеш да свириш на гитара?
can play the guitar
86. Како
учтиво ќе прашаш: Што треба да направиме? What should we do?
87. Charlie is an excellent musician. He plays the
guitar. His friends from school always go to see him when he is having a
concert. He plays the guitar for many years. His parents are very proud of
him. Charlie likes playing the guitar, but he thinks that it would be
better if he starts learning something else. He wants to become a doctor
one day in future. He thinks being a doctor would mean a good future
for him. That’s why he wasn’t at the concert yesterday. He was studying
for an exam for the medical school. His friends hope his dream for
becoming a doctor would come true. They will love him anyway, because he is
the best friend they have.
свири на гитара?
88. Charlie is an excellent musician. He plays the
guitar. His friends from school always go to see him when he is having a
concert. He plays the guitar for many years. His parents are very proud of
him. Charlie likes playing the guitar, but he thinks that it would be
better if he starts learning something else. He wants to become a doctor
one day in future. He thinks being a doctor would mean a good future
for him. That’s why he wasn’t at the concert yesterday. He was studying
for an exam for the medical school. His friends hope his dream for
becoming a doctor would come true. They will love him anyway, because he is
the best friend they have.
сака да биде Чарли во иднина?
89. Steven wants to buy a Christmas present for a very
special person, his mother. Steven’s father gives him 5 pounds a week
pocket money and Steve puts 2 pounds a week into his bank account.
After three months, Steven takes 20 pounds out of his bank account and
goes to the shopping mall. He looks and looks for a perfect
gift. Suddenly he sees a
beautiful scarf with prints of his favorite pet. He
says to himself, “My mother loves scarves, and this one costs only 15
pounds.” He buys the scarf and takes it home. He wraps the present in
Christmas paper and places it under the tree. He is very excited and he
is looking forward to the morning to see the joy on his mother’s face. But
when his mother opens the present she screams with fright because
she sees many spiders on the the design.
кого Стивен купува Божиќен подарок?
90. Steven wants to buy a Christmas present for a very
special person, his mother. Steven’s father gives him 5 pounds a week
pocket money and Steve puts 2 pounds a week into his bank account.
After three months, Steven takes 20 pounds out of his bank account and
goes to the shopping mall. He looks and looks for a perfect
gift. Suddenly he sees a
beautiful scarf with prints of his favorite pet. He
says to himself, “My mother loves scarves, and this one costs only 15
pounds.” He buys the scarf and takes it home. He wraps the present in
Christmas paper and places it under the tree. He is very excited and he
is looking forward to the morning to see the joy on his mother’s face. But
when his mother opens the present she screams with fright because
she sees many spiders on the the design.
вкупно фунти извадил Стивен од банката?
91. Steven wants to buy a Christmas present for a very
special person, his mother. Steven’s father gives him 5 pounds a week
pocket money and Steve puts 2 pounds a week into his bank account.
After three months, Steven takes 20 pounds out of his bank account and
goes to the shopping mall. He looks and looks for a perfect
gift. Suddenly he sees a
beautiful scarf with prints of his favorite pet. He
says to himself, “My mother loves scarves, and this one costs only 15
pounds.” He buys the scarf and takes it home. He wraps the present in
Christmas paper and places it under the tree. He is very excited and he
is looking forward to the morning to see the joy on his mother’s face. But
when his mother opens the present she screams with fright because
she sees many spiders on the the design.
Што купил Стивен за
92. Princess Diana was born on July 1, 1961, at Park
House near the city of Norfolk. Her full name was Diana Frances Spencer.
She was born into an aristocratic family with Royal blood. Diana wasn’t a
good student, she was having poor grades in many subjects, but she was
excellent in ballet and she was hoping she would be a ballet dancer when
she grows up. After leaving school she was working as an assistant
teacher at a kindergarten in London. While she was working as an
assistant she met Prince Charles who asked her to marry him. In 1981,
Dianna got married to Prince Charles. Princes Diana and Prince Charles
have got two sons: Prince William and Prince Harry. Princess Diana was
an iconic figure of the late 20th century. During her life she was the most photographed person, and she was using her celebrity status for raising awareness for
many illnesses.
близина на кој град е родена принцезата Дијана?
93. Charlie is an excellent musician. He plays the
guitar. His friends from school always go to see him when he is having a
concert. He plays the guitar for many years. His parents are very proud of
him. Charlie likes playing the guitar, but he thinks that it would be
better if he starts learning something else. He wants to become a doctor
one day in future. He thinks being a doctor would mean a good future
for him. That’s why he wasn’t at the concert yesterday. He was studying
for an exam for the medical school. His friends hope his dream for
becoming a doctor would come true. They will love him anyway, because he is
the best friend they have.
редовно другарите на Чарли одат да го гледаат?
94. Charlie is an excellent musician. He plays the
guitar. His friends from school always go to see him when he is having a
concert. He plays the guitar for many years. His parents are very proud of
him. Charlie likes playing the guitar, but he thinks that it would be
better if he starts learning something else. He wants to become a doctor
one day in future. He thinks being a doctor would mean a good future
for him. That’s why he wasn’t at the concert yesterday. He was studying
for an exam for the medical school. His friends hope his dream for
becoming a doctor would come true. They will love him anyway, because he is
the best friend they have.
време Чарли свири на гитарата?
95. Charlie is an excellent musician. He plays the
guitar. His friends from school always go to see him when he is having a
concert. He plays the guitar for many years. His parents are very proud of
him. Charlie likes playing the guitar, but he thinks that it would be
better if he starts learning something else. He wants to become a doctor
one day in future. He thinks being a doctor would mean a good future
for him. That’s why he wasn’t at the concert yesterday. He was studying
for an exam for the medical school. His friends hope his dream for
becoming a doctor would come true. They will love him anyway, because he is
the best friend they have.
е Чарли со своите пријатели?
96. Steven wants to buy a Christmas present for a very
special person, his mother. Steven’s father gives him 5 pounds a week
pocket money and Steve puts 2 pounds a week into his bank account.
After three months, Steven takes 20 pounds out of his bank account and
goes to the shopping mall. He looks and looks for a perfect
gift. Suddenly he sees a
beautiful scarf with prints of his favorite pet. He
says to himself, “My mother loves scarves, and this one costs only 15
pounds.” He buys the scarf and takes it home. He wraps the present in
Christmas paper and places it under the tree. He is very excited and he
is looking forward to the morning to see the joy on his mother’s face. But
when his mother opens the present she screams with fright because
she sees many spiders on the the design.
направил Стивен откако го купил подарокот?
97. Steven wants to buy a Christmas present for a very
special person, his mother. Steven’s father gives him 5 pounds a week
pocket money and Steve puts 2 pounds a week into his bank account.
After three months, Steven takes 20 pounds out of his bank account and
goes to the shopping mall. He looks and looks for a perfect
gift. Suddenly he sees a
beautiful scarf with prints of his favorite pet. He
says to himself, “My mother loves scarves, and this one costs only 15
pounds.” He buys the scarf and takes it home. He wraps the present in
Christmas paper and places it under the tree. He is very excited and he
is looking forward to the morning to see the joy on his mother’s face. But
when his mother opens the present she screams with fright because
she sees many spiders on the the design.
Стивен купил подарок со пајаци?
98. Steven wants to buy a Christmas present for a very
special person, his mother. Steven’s father gives him 5 pounds a week
pocket money and Steve puts 2 pounds a week into his bank account.
After three months, Steven takes 20 pounds out of his bank account and
goes to the shopping mall. He looks and looks for a perfect
gift. Suddenly he sees a
beautiful scarf with prints of his favorite pet. He
says to himself, “My mother loves scarves, and this one costs only 15
pounds.” He buys the scarf and takes it home. He wraps the present in
Christmas paper and places it under the tree. He is very excited and he
is looking forward to the morning to see the joy on his mother’s face. But
when his mother opens the present she screams with fright because
she sees many spiders on the the design.
го ставил Стивен подарокот откако го завиткал?
99. Steven wants to buy a Christmas present for a very
special person, his mother. Steven’s father gives him 5 pounds a week
pocket money and Steve puts 2 pounds a week into his bank account.
After three months, Steven takes 20 pounds out of his bank account and
goes to the shopping mall. He looks and looks for a perfect
gift. Suddenly he sees a beautiful scarf with prints of his favorite pet. He
says to himself, “My mother loves scarves, and this one costs only 15
pounds.” He buys the scarf and takes it home. He wraps the present in
Christmas paper and places it under the tree. He is very excited and he
is looking forward to the morning to see the joy on his mother’s face. But
when his mother opens the present she screams with fright because
she sees many spiders on the the design.
направила мајката на Стивен откако го отворила подарокот?
Steven wants to buy
a Christmas present for a very special person, his mother. Steven’s father gives him 5 pounds a week pocket money and Steve puts 2 pounds a week into his bank account. After three months, Steven takes 20 pounds out of his bank account and goes to the shopping mall. He looks and looks for a perfect gift. Suddenly he sees a beautiful scarf with prints of his favorite pet. He says to himself, “My mother loves scarves, and this one costs only 15 pounds.” He buys the scarf and takes it home. He wraps the present in Christmas paper and places it under the tree. He is very excited and he is looking forward to the morning to see the joy on his mother’s face. But when his mother opens the present she screams with fright because she sees many spiders on the the design.
фунти му останале на Стивен откако го купил подарокот? 5
Princess Diana was
born on July 1, 1961, at Park House near the city of Norfolk. Her full name was Diana Frances Spencer. She was born into an aristocratic family with Royal blood. Diana wasn’t a good student, she was having poor grades in many subjects, but she was excellent in ballet and she was hoping she would be a ballet dancer when she grows up. After leaving school she was working as an assistant teacher at a kindergarten in London. While she was working as an assistant she met Prince Charles who asked her to marry him. In 1981, Dianna got married to Prince Charles. Princes Diana and Prince Charles have got two sons: Prince William and Prince Harry. Princess Diana was an iconic figure of the late 20th century.
During her life she was the most photographed person, and she was using her celebrity status for raising awareness for many illnesses.
ученик била принцезата Дијана?
Princess Diana was
born on July 1, 1961, at Park House near the city of Norfolk. Her full name was Diana Frances Spencer. She was born into an aristocratic family with Royal blood. Diana wasn’t a good student, she was having poor grades in many subjects, but she was excellent in ballet and she was hoping she would be a ballet dancer when she grows up. After leaving school she was working as an assistant teacher at a kindergarten in London. While she was working as an assistant she met Prince Charles who asked her to marry him. In 1981, Dianna got married to Prince Charles. Princes Diana and Prince Charles have got two sons: Prince William and Prince Harry. Princess Diana was an iconic figure of the late 20th century.
During her life she was the most photographed person, and she was using her celebrity status for raising awareness for many illnesses.
сакала да биде принцезата Дијана кога ќе порасне?
Princess Diana was
born on July 1, 1961, at Park House near the city of Norfolk. Her full name was Diana Frances Spencer. She was born into an aristocratic family with Royal blood. Diana wasn’t a good student, she was having poor grades in many subjects, but she was excellent in ballet and she was hoping she would be a ballet dancer when she grows up. After leaving school she was working as an assistant teacher at a kindergarten in London. While she was working as an assistant she met Prince Charles who asked her to marry him. In 1981, Dianna got married to Prince Charles. Princes Diana and Prince Charles have got two sons: Prince William and Prince Harry. Princess Diana was an iconic figure of the late 20th century.
During her life she was the most photographed person, and she was using her celebrity status for raising awareness for many illnesses.
работела принцезата Дијана откако завршила со школувањето?
Princess Diana was
born on July 1, 1961, at Park House near the city of Norfolk. Her full name was Diana Frances Spencer. She was born into an aristocratic family with Royal blood. Diana wasn’t a good student, she was having poor grades in many subjects, but she was excellent in ballet and she was hoping she would be a ballet dancer when she grows up. After leaving school she was working as an assistant teacher at a kindergarten in London. While she was working as an assistant she met Prince Charles who asked her to marry him. In 1981, Dianna got married to Prince Charles. Princes Diana and Prince Charles have got two sons: Prince William and Prince Harry. Princess Diana was an iconic figure of the late 20th century.
During her life she was the most photographed person, and she was using her celebrity status for raising awareness for many illnesses.
кого се венчала принцезата Дијана?
Princess Diana was
born on July 1, 1961, at Park House near the city of Norfolk. Her full name was Diana Frances Spencer. She was born into an aristocratic family with Royal blood. Diana wasn’t a good student, she was having poor grades in many subjects, but she was excellent in ballet and she was hoping she would be a ballet dancer when she grows up. After leaving school she was working as an assistant teacher at a kindergarten in London. While she was working as an assistant she met Prince Charles who asked her to marry him. In 1981, Dianna got married to Prince Charles. Princes Diana and Prince Charles have got two sons: Prince William and Prince Harry. Princess Diana was an iconic figure of the late 20th century.
During her life she was the most photographed person, and she was using her celebrity status for raising awareness for many illnesses.
деца имаала принцезата Дијана?
Steven wants to buy
a Christmas present for a very special person, his mother. Steven’s father gives him 5 pounds a week pocket money and Steve puts 2 pounds a week into his bank account. After three months, Steven takes 20 pounds out of his bank account and goes to the shopping mall. He looks and looks for a perfect gift. Suddenly he sees a beautiful scarf with prints of his favorite pet. He says to himself, “My mother loves scarves, and this one costs only 15 pounds.” He buys the scarf and takes it home. He wraps the present in Christmas paper and places it under the tree. He is very excited and he is looking forward to the morning to see the joy on his mother’s face. But when his mother opens the present she screams with fright because she sees many spiders on the the design.
очекувал Стивен кога мајка му ќе го отворела подарокот?
Steven wants to buy
a Christmas present for a very special person, his mother. David’s father gives him 5 pounds a week pocket money and Steven puts 2 pounds a week into his bank account. After three months, Steven takes 20 pounds out of his bank account and goes to the shopping mall. He looks and looks for a perfect gift. Suddenly he sees a beautiful scarf with prints of his favorite pet. He says to himself, “My mother loves scarves, and this one costs only 15 pounds.” He buys the scarf and takes it home. He wraps the present in Christmas paper and places it under the tree. He is very excited and he is looking forward to the morning to see the joy on his mother’s face. But when his mother opens the present she screams with fright because she sees manyspiders.
вриснала мајката на Стивен го отворила подарокот?
Steven wants to buy
a Christmas present for a very special person, his mother. Steven’s father gives him 5 pounds a week pocket money and Steven puts 2 pounds a week into his bank account. After three months, Steven takes 20 pounds out of his bank account and goes to theshopping
mall. He looks and looks for a perfect gift. Suddenly he sees a beautiful scarf with prints of his favorite pet. He says to himself, “My mother loves scarves, and this one costs only 15 pounds.” He buys the scarf and takes it home. He wraps the present in Christmas paper and places it under the tree. He is very excited and he is looking forward to the morning to see the joy on his mother’s face. But when his mother opens the present she screams with fright because she sees manyspiders on
the design.
му дава џепарлак на Стивен?
Местото каде главното превозно средство се
камилите се вика: DESERT
Може да скијаме на: mountain
Во зима се покриваме со: blanket
Доврши ја реченицата: He is playing football at the playground, football court
Дополни ја реченицата: My parents take me to the _____restaurant_______
every weekend for a family lunch”
Кој од следниве зборови означува глагол во
минато време?
were, ED ED ED
Дополни ја реченицата: He is swimming in
the pool now.
Дополни ја реченицата: Maria ___Does, likes!!!!!_____ а lot of talking on
her mobile phone.
Дополни ја реченицата: I___was__ at the zoo yesterday morning.
Како ќе одговориш на то: Where were you last weekend? I was ---------
Реченицата: Омилено јадење ми е супа; на
англиски јазик гласи: My favourite
food is soup
Со кој од наведените искази ќе ја опишеш
реката која поминува низ твојот
град? Long and beautiful, clean,
Која од наведените искази означува давање
Кој од наведените искази означува покана?
Let`s why don`t we, Shall we . . . . .
Како би му дал совет на другарчето да почне
да се храни здраво? You should eat healthy food.
Како ќе кажеш што учите по предметот музичко
воспитување? What do you study in Music
Како ќе ја опишеш својата другарка?
Beautiful, long hair blue eyes, polite kind
Како ќе му кажеш на другарчето да молчи? Be
Како ќе прашаш: Каде беше на одмор?
were you on holliday
Што би одговорил кога би те прашале: Кое е
твоето омилено место за одмор?
My favourite place is . . . . .
Kако ќе кажеш дека концертот бил добар?
concert was good
Brian and I were at
the cinema yesterday. We were watching a movie about Sherlock
Holmes. The movie was based on a novel by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock is a detective, he lives on 221B Baker Street in London. He is incredibly smart and funny. He always wears a hat and a magnifying glass. He doesn’t have many friends because he is usually mean to people. But he does have one friend, his name is Doctor John Watson, and he is the opposite of Sherlock. He is polite and kind. I
still don’t understand how these two can be friends. Brian and I liked the movie a lot, however I still don’t understand why Sherlock used: “Elementary, my dear Watson!” all the time.
биле Брајан и авторот на текстот претходната вечер?
My parents bought
me a lap-top for my birthday. I was so happy when they told me
that. But the present came with a condition that I should share it with my sister as well. I agreed on that, and me and my sister shared the hours for working on the lap-top. I was using it for my homework and for playing on-line games, and my sister was using it for reading on-line books and for chatting with her friends from University. One day, I clicked on a commercial for cheap shoes and the lap-top shut down. Me and my sister brought it to a service and they said it had a virus. We are still waiting for the lap-top to be repaired and we really miss it.
што го користел лап-топот аворот на текстот?
My parents bought
me a lap-top for my birthday. I was so happy when they told me
that. But the present came with a condition that I should share it with my sister as well. I agreed on that, and me and my sister shared the hours for working on the lap-top. I was using it for my homework and for playing on-line games, and my sister was using it for reading on-line books and for chatting with her friends from University. One day, I clicked on a commercial for cheap shoes and the lap-top shut down. Me and my sister brought it to a service and they said it had a virus. We are still waiting for the lap-top to be repaired and we really miss it.
што го користела лап-топот сестрата на авторот на текстот?
Brian and I were at
the cinema yesterday. We were watching a movie about Sherlock
Holmes. The movie was based on a novel by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock is a detective, he lives on 221B Baker Street in London. He is incredibly smart and funny. He always wears a hat and a magnifying glass. He doesn’t have many friends because he is usually mean to people. But he does have one friend, his name is Doctor John Watson, and he is the opposite of Sherlock. He is polite and kind. I
still don’t understand how these two can be friends. Brian and I liked the movie a lot, however I still don’t understand why Sherlock used: “Elementary, my dear Watson!” all the time.
изгледал Шерлок Холмс?
Brian and I were at
the cinema yesterday. We were watching a movie about Sherlock
Holmes. The movie was based on a novel by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock is a detective, he lives on 221B Baker Street in London. He is incredibly smart and funny. He always wears a hat and a magnifying glass. He doesn’t have many friends because he is usually mean to people. But he does have one friend, his name is Doctor John Watson, and he is the opposite of Sherlock. He is polite and kind. I still don’t understand how these two can be friends. Brian and I liked the movie a lot, however I still don’t understand why Sherlock used: “Elementary, my dear Watson!” all the time.
бил пријателот на Шерлок, Џон Вотсон?
Brian and I were at
the cinema yesterday. We were watching a movie about Sherlock
Holmes. The movie was based on a novel by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock is a detective, he lives on 221B Baker Street in London. He is incredibly smart and funny. He always wears a hat and a magnifying glass. He doesn’t have many friends because he is usually mean to people. But he does have one friend, his name is Doctor John Watson, and he is the opposite of Sherlock. He is polite and kind. I
still don’t understand how these two can be friends. Brian and I liked the movie a lot, however I still don’t understand why Sherlock used: “Elementary, my dear Watson!” all the time.
фраза ја користел Шерлок многу често во филмот?
Sonja lives in a big city. The name of the
city is Skopje. There are a lot of big buildings
in Skopje. There are many cinemas, theatres and shops in the city. The zoo is the place where she goes very often.
There are a different kind of animals in
the zoo. Her favorite animals are monkeys. They are very funny. She gives them some food when she is there.
Соња им дава храна на мајмуните?
Sonja lives in a big city. The name of the
city is Skopje. There are a lot of big buildings
in Skopje. There are many cinemas, theatres and shops in the city. The zoo is the place where she goes very often.
There are a different kind of animals in
the zoo. Her favorite animals are monkeys. They are very funny. She gives them some food when she is there.
горенаведениот текст извлечи заклучок:
Што означува зборот kind? љубезен
Sonja lives in a big city. The name of the
city is Skopje. There are a lot of big buildings
in Skopje. There are many cinemas, theatres and shops in the city. The zoo is the place where she goes very often.
There are a different kind of animals in
the zoo. Her favorite animals are monkeys. They are very funny. She gives them some food when she is there.
Скопје има:
Sonja lives in a big city. The name of the
city is Skopje. There are a lot of big buildings
in Skopje. There are many cinemas, theatres and shops in the city. The zoo is the place where she goes very often.
There are a different kind of animals in
the zoo. Her favorite animals are monkeys. They are very funny. She gives them some food when she is there.
живее Соња?
Sonja lives in a big city. The name of the
city is Skopje. There are a lot of big buildings
in Skopje. There are many cinemas, theatres and shops in the city. The zoo is the place where she goes very often.
There are a different kind of animals in
the zoo. Her favorite animals are monkeys. They are very funny. She gives them some food when she is there.
се :
Sonja lives in a big city. The name of the
city is Skopje. There are a lot of big buildings
in Skopje. There are many cinemas, theatres and shops in the city. The zoo is the place where she goes very often.
There are a different kind of animals in
the zoo. Her favorite animals are monkeys. They are very funny. She gives them some food when she is there.
градина е место каде што Соња
Sonja lives in a big city. The name of the
city is Skopje. There are a lot of big buildings
in Skopje. There are many cinemas, theatres and shops in the city. The zoo is the place where she goes very often.
There are a different kind of animals in
the zoo. Her favorite animals are monkeys. They are very funny. She gives them some food when she is there.
градот во кој живее Соња е:
Sonja lives in a big city. The name of the
city is Skopje. There are a lot of big buildings
in Skopje. There are many cinemas, theatres and shops in the city. The zoo is the place where she goes very often.
There are a different kind of animals in
the zoo. Her favorite animals are monkeys. They are very funny. She gives them some food when she is there.
горенаведениот текст заокружи го зборот
кој означува многу.
Како би одговорил ако некој те праша: Што ќе
правиш утре? I am going to study for the external testing.
Определи кој збор треба да стои на празното
место во реченицата :Give ……me…your
На то: What are you doing this afternoon?
следува одговор: I am visiting . . .
Како би и кажал на твојата другарка да не
оди? Don`t go ther. . . .
Кој од следниве зборови e описна придавка?
Beautiful . . kind, polite
Може да пливаме во : swimming pool . . . . .
Со велосипед се возиме по: mountain trail,
cycling . . .
Доврши ја следната реченица: The guitar is…new
old, noisy
Sonja lives in a big city. The name of the
city is Skopje. There are a lot of big buildings
in Skopje. There are many cinemas, theatres and shops in the city. The zoo is the place where she goes very often.
There are a different kind of animals in
the zoo. Her favorite animals are monkeys. They are very funny. She gives them some food when she is there.
горенаведениот текст извлечи заклучок:
Кое е омиленото место на Соња во
Robert goes to school every day. He has many
school subjects like maths,
history, geography, IT, biology, sports, music etc. His favorite subject is music. He likes singing and playing instruments.
His favorite musical instrument is
the guitar. He has got his own guitar. After the classes he goes to the park with his school friends. He is playing on the
guitar and his friends are singing popular
кого оди Роберт во паркот?
Robert goes to school every day. He has many
school subjects like maths,
history, geography, IT, biology, sports, music etc. His favorite subject is music. He likes singing and playing
instruments. His favorite musical instrument is
the guitar. He has got his own guitar. After the classes he goes to the park with his school friends. He is playing on the
guitar and his friends are singing popular
сопственост е гитарата на која свири Роберт?
Кој од следниве зборови означува главно
Како се нарекува дел од приборот за јадење со
кој може да сечеме? knife
Како се вика местото каде што може да штедиме
пари? bank
Во воздух се возиме со: plane, airplane,
Може да се скијаме на:
Креветот го покриваме со:
Печива купуваме во: bakery
Со што сечеме леб?
Доврши ја следната реченица:The violin is a …
Што може да купиме во продавница за
компјутерска технологија? laptop
Доврши ја следната реченица:We can swim in the …pool
Доврши ја следната реченица:We can order main course in a…reastaurant
Кој од следниве зборови e описна придавка?
Кој од следниве зборови е лична предметна
заменка?him us them her, you me
Кој од следниве зборови е модален глагол?
На то: What
are you doing this weekend? следува одговор:
Определи кoj збор треба да стoи на празнoтo
местoво реченицата :Give me………your book!
Како би и кажала на својата пријателка да не
доцни?Don` t be late
Определи го исказот што значи:Молчи! Be quiet
Кој би бил краткиот одговор на то: Are you coming to my house? Yes, I
am, No, I `m not.
Како би му кажал на својот пријател дека
живееш во мало место? I live in a
small place
Како би прашале колку е висока Ана? How tall
is Anna?
На то: Were
you at the market? следува одговор:
I was / No I wasn`t
Како би одговорил ако некој те праша: Каде ќе одиш следната недела? Where are you going (to go) next
Која е кратката форма на исказот:Mary was not at the library? wasn`t
Како би одговорил ако некој те праша:Колкава е куќата во којаживееш? It`s very big
Со кој од понудените зборови даваме совет?
You should
Определи го исказот што значи: Ајде да одиме на игранка.
Let`s go to the dancing party.
Кога посакуваме пријатен викенд велиме: Have
a nice holliday
Определи го исказот што значи: Што би сакале да се напиете? What would you like to drink?
Со кој од наведените зборови даваме опис?
Nice, kind, polite, beautiful, mean, handsome . . . . .
Кога даваме совет велиме: You should
Како би му дал совет на својот другар да
остане дома и да се одмори? Stay home
and take a rest.
Кој израз го користиш за да порачаш нешто во
млечен ресторан? I would like to order . . . . .
Како би го советувал својот другар ако има
главоболка? You
should take an aspirin.
Како би го поканил својот другар да
прошетате? Let`s, why don`t we go . .
. , Shall we go .
Реченицата: I`m sorry, but I must go to my music class, значи исто што и: Жалам
но мора да одам на час по музичко.
Како ќе го прашаш својот другар: Дали беше на роденденската забава? Were you at the b. party?
Како ќе го опишеш своето место на живеење?
and quiet (loud)
Како би го поканил другарот на твојата
роденденска забава утре? Would you
like to come to my birthday party?
Кога одбиваш покана, што велиш? Thank you
Кога си во ресторанили пицерија, како те
прашува келнерот што сакаш да порачаш? What would you like to order?
Како би му посакал на својот другар пријатен
летен одмор?
Have a nice holliday
Како би го поканил својот другар да
дојде на пазар со тебе? Let`s, why
don`t we go . . . , Shall we go . . .
Кој од наведените изрази го користиш за да
нарачаш Пепси? I would like
(to order) some Pepsi.
Како ќе одговориш ако некој те праша: What would you like to order? I would like . . . . . .
Како ќе одговориш доколку некој те праша: Што ќе правиш наредниот викенд? What are you
going to do next weekend?
Kaкo би го советувал својот другар да учи
англиски повеќе?
You should study more.
Како би му посакал на својот другар убав ден?
Have a nice day
Almira lives in a
big city. The name of the city is Skopje. There are a lot of tall buildings in Skopje. There are many cinemas, theatres and shops in the city. Almira goes to the zoo every month. There are different
kinds of animals in the zoo.Her favorite animals are tigers.They
are veryinteresting. She gives them some food when she is there.
збор во текстот означува омилен?
Almira lives in a
big city. The name of the city is Skopje. There are a lot of tall buildings in Skopje. There are many cinemas,
theatres and shops in the city. Almira goes to the zoo every month.
There are different kinds of animals in the zoo.Her favorite animals are
tigers.They are veryinteresting. She gives them some food when she is there.
се вика градот во кој живее Алмира?
Almira lives in a
big city. The name of the city is Skopje. There are a lot of tall buildings in Skopje. There are many cinemas, theatres and shops in the city. Almira goes to the zoo every month. There are different kinds of animals in
the zoo.Her favorite animals are tigers.They are veryinteresting. She gives
them some food when she is there.
горенаведениот текст заокружи го зборот кој означува видови.
Kate goes to school
every day. She has many school subjects like maths, English, history, geography,IT, biology, sports, music, art, etc.Her favorite subject is art. She likes drawing and painting with water
colors. Her favorite object for painting is the guitar. She has got her own
guitar. After classes she goes to the park with her school friends.She is playing on the guitar and her friends are singing popular songs.
Кејт оди на училиште?
Kate goes to school
every day. She has many school subjects like maths, English, history, geography,IT, biology, sports, music, art, etc.Her favorite subject is art. She likes drawing and painting with water
colors. Her favorite object for painting is the guitar. She has got her own
guitar. After classes she goes to the park with her school friends.She is playing on the guitar and her friends are singing popular songs.
горенаведениот текст заокружи го зборот кој означува предмет.
Almira lives in a
big city. The name of the city is Skopje. There are a lot of tall buildings in Skopje. There are many cinemas, theatres and
shops in the city. Almira goes to the zoo every month. There are different
kinds of animals in the zoo.Her favorite animals are tigers.They are
veryinteresting. She gives them some food when she is there.
Скопје има:
Almira lives in a
big city. The name of the city is Skopje. There are a lot of tall buildings in Skopje. There are many cinemas,
theatres and shops in the city. Almira goes to the zoo every month.
There are different kinds of animals in the zoo.Her favorite animals are
tigers.They are veryinteresting. She gives them some food when she is there.
кина, театри и продавници има во градот?
Almira lives in a
big city. The name of the city is Skopje. There are a lot of tall buildings in Skopje. There are many cinemas, theatres and shops in the city. Almira goes to the zoo every month. There are different
kinds of animals in the zoo.Her favorite animals are tigers.They
are veryinteresting. She gives them some food when she is there.
животни на Алмира се:
Almira lives in a
big city. The name of the city is Skopje. There are a lot of tall buildings in Skopje. There are many cinemas, theatres and shops in the city. Almira goes to the zoo every month. There are different
kinds of
animals in the zoo.Her
favorite animals are tigers.They are veryinteresting. She gives them some food
when she is there.
зоолошката градина има:
Almira lives in a
big city. The name of the city is Skopje. There are a lot of tall buildings in Skopje. There are many cinemas, theatres and shops in the city. Almira goes to the zoo every month. There are
different kinds of animals in the zoo.Her favorite animals are
tigers.They are veryinteresting. She gives them some food when she is there.
оди Алмира еднаш месечно?
Kate goes to school
every day. She has many school subjects like maths, English, history, geography,IT, biology, sports, music, art, etc.Her favorite subject is art. She likes drawing and painting with water
colors. Her favorite object for painting is the guitar. She has got her own
guitar. After classes she goes to the park with her school friends.She is playing on the guitar and her friends are singing popular songs.
Kate goes to school
every day. She has many school subjects like maths, English, history, geography,IT, biology, sports, music, art, etc.Her favorite subject is art. She likes drawing and painting with water
colors. Her favorite object for painting is the guitar. She has got her own
guitar. After classes she goes to the park with her school
friends.She is playing on the guitar and her friends are singing popular
оди Кејт по часовите?
Kate goes to school
every day. She has many school subjects like maths, English, history, geography,IT, biology, sports, music, art, etc.Her favorite subject is art. She likes drawing and painting with water colors. Her favorite object for painting is the guitar. She has got her own
guitar. After classes she goes to the park with her school friends.She is playing on the guitar and her friends are singing popular songs.
предмет наКејт и е:
Kate goes to school
every day. She has many school subjects like maths, English, history, geography,IT, biology, sports, music, art, etc.Her favorite subject is art. She likes drawing and painting with water
colors. Her favorite object for painting is the guitar. She has got her own
guitar. After classes she goes to the park with her school friends.She is playing on the guitar and her friends are singing popular songs.
е омилениот музички инструмент на Кејт?
Kate goes to school
every day. She has many school subjects like maths, English, history, geography,IT, biology, sports, music, art, etc.Her favorite subject is art. She likes drawing and painting with water
colors. Her favorite object for painting is the guitar. She
has got her own guitar. After classes she goes to the park with her school
friends.She is playing on the guitar and her friends are singing popular
сака Кејт?
Kate goes to
school every day. She has many school subjects like maths, English, history, geography,IT, biology, sports, music, art, etc.Her favorite subject is art. She likes drawing and painting with water
colors. Her favorite object for painting is the guitar. She has got her own
guitar. After classes she goes to the park with her school friends.She is playing on the guitar and her friends are singing popular songs.
песни пеат пријателите на Кејт?
Almira lives in a
big city. The name of the city is Skopje. There are a lot of tall buildings in Skopje. There are many cinemas, theatres and shops in the city. Almira goes to the zoo every month. There are
different kinds of animals in the zoo.Her favorite animals are
tigers.They are veryinteresting. She gives them some food when she is there.
горенаведениот текст извлечи заклучок:
Кое е омиленото место на Алмира во Скопје?
Almira lives in a
big city. The name of the city is Skopje. There are a lot of tall buildings in Skopje. There are many cinemas, theatres and shops in the city. Almira goes to the zoo every month. There are different
kinds of animals in the zoo.Her favorite animals are tigers.They are
veryinteresting. She gives them some food when she is there.
им дава таа на тигрите?
Almira lives
in a big city. The name of the city is Skopje. There are a lot of tall buildings in Skopje. There are many cinemas, theatres and shops in the city. Almira goes to the zoo every month. There are different
kinds of animals in the zoo.Her favorite animals are tigers.They are
veryinteresting. She gives them some food when she is there.
Алмира им дава храна на тигрите?
Kate goes to school
every day. She has many school subjects like maths, English, history, geography,IT, biology, sports, music, art, etc.Her favorite subject is art. She likes drawing and painting with water
colors. Her favorite object for painting is the guitar. She has got her own
guitar. After classes she goes to the park with her school friends.She is playing on the guitar and her friends are singing popular songs.
кого оди Кејт во паркот?
Kate goes to school
every day. She has many school subjects like maths, English, history, geography,IT, biology, sports, music, art, etc.Her favorite subject is art. She likes drawing and painting with water
colors. Her favorite object for painting is the guitar. She has got her own
guitar. After classes she goes to the park with her school
friends.She is playing on the guitar and her friends are singing popular
сопственост е гитарата на која свири Кејт?
Поголема водена површина од морето се вика:
Местото каде пливаат големи риби се вика:
ocean, sea
Кога сакаме да гледаме драма одиме на:
По предметот историја учиме за: History
Кога некој е многу вреден, велиме дека е: hard
Кога некој не е работлив, велиме дека е: lazy
Што уживаат да гледаат децата на ТВ? cartoons
Marija and Marko
were in Vevchani last weekend. They were staying at their friend’s Mirko as his guests. Mirko was preparing his mask for the Carnival. Like every year, this year too, the Carnival was a big event in the village. The people from the village were wearing mask-costumes for the Carnival. The whole situation was like a contest of masks. Marija was thinking that she would come the next year as well. She really was impressed by the whole show there. People singing and dancing all day long. And then, the next day, they were burning the masks. For Marko, the whole Carnival was a waste of time. He wasn’t enjoying it at all. He was cold and he saw people drinking all the time. He was thinking he would love to come to Vevchani, but in spring or summer, when the weather would be warm and he would be able to see the Vevchani springs, and visit other places there.
би сакал да види Марко во Вевчани? Spring извор
Доврши ја реченицата:”I eat soup with a ___spoon___.”
Доврши ја реченицата:”We are going to Egypt
to see the _pyramids______.”
Дополни ја реченицата:”I am going ____to buy___
a new jacket.”
Дополни ја реченицата:”I am writing ___(a
letter) an email___ to my teacher.”
Дополни ја реченицата: ”I love watching __cartoons_____;
and Jerry is my favorite
Дополни ја реченицата:”I usually have ____breakfast________
in the morning.”
Доврши ја реченицата: ”I am studying for my
___external testing (exam, test . . . )___.”
Дополни ја реченицата:”The ___river___ Vardar
is very polluted.”
Дополни ја реченицата:”He eats a lot of __sweets____,
so now he has bad teeth.”
Дополни ја реченицата:”She likes going to the
_cinema_____ to watch movies.”
Дополни ја реченицата:”My grandmother lives
in a small ___village____ near Strumica“.
Доврши ја реченицата:”The first meal you eat
in a restaurant is __breakfast____.”
Дополни ја реченицата:”I like ___Science______
because we do a lot of experiments in class.”
Дополни ја реченицата:”I like ____watching___movies
because they make me laugh.”
Доврши ја реченицата:”I cut bread with a
Дополни ја реченицата:”`I ___am going_______
to the supermarket tomorrow.”
Дополни ја реченицата:”We ____are makeing____ a barbeque on
Дополни ја реченицата:”All my friends _are going_____ to my birthday
party next week.”
Дополни ја реченицата:”_Is __ Susan working
this week?”
Дополни ја реченицата:”My favorite TV show
____is___ in a minute.”
Како ќе кажеш дека вчера си бил/а дома?
was at home yesterday.
Како ќе кажеш дека вчера си бил/а на лекар?
was at the doctor yesterday.
Како ќе кажеш дека ова лето не си бил/а на
wasn`t at holiday, this summer.
Како ќе го прашаш другарчето дали вчера било
на кино?
friend was at the cinema yesterday.
Како ќе кажеш дека другарка ти Сузан била во
friend Susan was at the disco.
Како ќе кажеш дека си бил/а дома? I was at
Како ќе одговориш на то:”Were you busy last
night?” Yes, I was / No, I wasn`ty
Како ќе одговориш на то:”Were you and John
we were. No, we weren`t.
Како ќе прашаш дали Том и Марк биле немирни?
Tome and Maks good? (naughty)
Дополни ја реченицата:”Tom __was___ in Spain
last weekend.”
Како ќе кажеш дека твојот брат бил во Кина?
brother was in China yesterday.
Како ќе кажеш дека Сара вчера била поспана?
was sleepy yesterday
Како ќе кажеш дека Сара сега игра на
Sara is playing on the computer now.
Како ќе кажеш дека Сем и Сара вчера биле на
Sam and Sara weren`t at
school yesterday.
Како ќе кажеш дека Питер бил ученик кога бил
Peter was a student when he
was young.
Како ќе кажеш дека твоите родители се многу
горди на тебе денес? My parent are very proud of me?
Како ќе кажеш дека Даниел сега е поп-ѕвезда?
is a pop star, now.
Како ќе кажеш дека децата вчера не биле
The kids were not quiet
Како ќе кажеш дека Макс минатата недела бил
во Лондон?
week Maks was in London. (last week)
Како ќе прашаш кој ќе готви вечера вечерва?
Who is cooking dinner tonight?
Како ќе прашаш кој ни бил на гости? Who
was our guest?
Како ќе прашаш колку чини велосипедот? How much is the bike?
Како ќе прашаш каде можеш да купиш
млеко? Where can I buy some milk?
Како ќе го прашаш другарчето колку е
високо? How tall are you?
Како ќе прашаш кој танцува најдобро во твоето
семејството? Who is the best dancer
in your family?
Mexico is one of my favorite vacation places. I like the
weather there because it never gets cold. People are nice and they
never laugh at my broken Spanish. Mexico City is an interesting place
to visit. It has great museums and lots of old buildings. If you are
planning a trip to Mexico, you should definitely see the Mayan temples near
му е омиленито место за одмор на авторот?
Mexico is one of my
favorite vacation places. I like the weather there because it never gets cold. People are nice and they never laugh at
my broken
Spanish. Mexico City is an
interesting place to visit. It has great museums and
lots of old buildings. If you are planning a trip to Mexico, you should definitely see the Mayan temples near Merida.
му се допаѓа Мексико на авторот?
Mexico is one of my
favorite vacation places. I like the weather there because
it never gets cold. People are nice
and they never laugh at my broken Spanish. Mexico City is an interesting place
to visit. It has great museums and lots of old buildings. If you are
planning a trip to Mexico, you should definitely see the Mayan temples near
му се допаѓа времето во Мексико на авторот?
Mexico is one of my
favorite vacation places. I like the weather there because it never gets cold. People are nice and they never laugh at my broken Spanish. Mexico City is an interesting place to visit. It has great museums and lots of old
buildings. If you are
planning a trip to Mexico, you should definitely see the Mayan temples near
има интересно да се види во Мексико Сити?
Mexico is one of my
favorite vacation places. I like the weather there because it never gets cold. People are nice and they never laugh at my broken Spanish. Mexico City is an interesting place to visit. It has
great museums and lots of old buildings. If you are planning a trip to Mexico, you should definitely see the Mayan temples near Merida.
една од најголемите знаменитости на Мексико?
It was Halloween,
the last day of October. It was October 31st.
Halloween was
Freddy’s favorite day. Halloween was a day to play costume dress-up. For Freddy, Halloween was Superman day. On Halloween, Freddy wore a Superman costume. He wore his blue t-shirt with a big red “S” on it. Superman was Freddy’s hero.
ден паѓа празникот Ноќта на вештерките?
It was Halloween,
the last day of October. It was October 31st. Halloween was Freddy’s favorite day. Halloween was a
day to play costume dress-up. For Freddy, Halloween was Superman day. On Halloween, Freddy wore a Superman costume. He wore his blue t-shirt with а big red “S” on it. Superman was Freddy’s hero.
Ноќта на Вештерките му е омилен ден на Фреди?
It was Halloween,
the last day of October. It was October 31st. Halloween was Freddy’s favorite day. Halloween was a
day to play costume dress-up. For Freddy, Halloween was
Superman day. On Halloween, Freddy wore a Superman costume. He wore
his blue t-shirt with а big red “S” on it. Superman was Freddy’s
кој лик се маскира Фреди за Ноќта на вештерките?
It was Halloween,
the last day of October. It was October 31st. Halloween was Freddy’s favorite day. Halloween was a
day to play costume dress-up. For Freddy, Halloween was Superman
day. On Halloween, Freddy wore a Superman costume. He wore his blue t-shirt with а big red “S” on it. Superman was Freddy’s hero.
изгледа маицата на Супермен?
It was Halloween,
the last day of October. It was October 31st. Halloween was Freddy’s favorite day. Halloween was a
day to play costume dress-up. For Freddy, Halloween was Superman
day. On Halloween, Freddy wore a Superman costume. He wore his blue t-shirt with а big red “S” on it. Superman was Freddy’s hero.
Фреди го сака Супермен? HERO
Како ќе се извиниш бидејќи не можеш да дојдеш
I am
sorry, I can`t come.
Кој од дадените одговори е извинување?I am
sorry , Apologize
Како ќе прашаш кој дошол на гости?
Who came to our house?
Ben has a new girlfriend. Her name is Holly.
Holly is shy. She likes to read. She has
red hair. She is kind. She loves her family. She is very different from Ben's old girlfriend, Marianne. Marianne was loud.
She liked to watch TV. She was mean
sometimes. She had a lot of money. Ben used to love Marianne. She was cool at first. Holly is better for him. He
can imagine marrying Holly someday.
ќе ја опишеш новата девојка на Бен?
Ben has a new girlfriend. Her name is Holly.
Holly is shy. She likes to read. She has
red hair. She is kind. She loves her family. She is very different from Ben's old girlfriend, Marianne. Marianne was loud.
She liked to watch TV. She was mean
sometimes. She had a lot of money. Ben used to love Marianne. She was cool at first. Holly is better for him. He
can imagine marrying Holly someday.
има нова девојка?
Ben has a new girlfriend. Her name is Holly.
Holly is shy. She likes to read. She has
red hair. She is kind. She loves her family. She is very different from Ben's old girlfriend, Marianne. Marianne was loud.
She liked to watch TV. She was mean
sometimes. She had a lot of money. Ben used to love Marianne. She was cool at first. Holly is better for him. He
can imagine marrying Holly someday.
Ben has a new girlfriend. Her name is Holly.
Holly is shy. She likes to read. She has
red hair. She is kind. She loves her family. She is very different from Ben's old girlfriend, Marianne. Marianne was loud.
She liked to watch TV. She was mean
sometimes. She had a lot of money. Ben used to love Marianne. She was cool at first. Holly is better for him. He
can imagine marrying Holly someday.
што се разликуваат Холи и Мериен?
Ben has a new girlfriend. Her name is Holly.
Holly is shy. She likes to read. She has red
hair. She is kind. She loves her family. She is very different from Ben's old girlfriend, Marianne. Marianne was loud.
She liked to watch TV. She was mean
sometimes. She had a lot of money. Ben used to love Marianne. She was cool at first. Holly is better for him. He
can imagine marrying Holly someday.
на Бен повеќе му се допаѓа Холи?
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